At speeds of over a hundred miles per hour so big it can wipe out a whole city we're talking OPERATION: Typhoon Morakat!! This Typhoon is located in Taiwan . The typhoon mostly affected the south side of Taiwan. When the Typhoon struck Taiwan heavy rains came CRASHING down which caused an enormous mudslide.
Mudslides are caused when water soaks through the mud causing the
separation of mud(earth) from the rock of the mountain, then the mud slides
down the mountain. Rivers started overflowing which caused really deep floods and the water was moving at really high speeds. Buildings came crashing down from it's foundations!!!
This enormous typhoon affects on people's relatives and family members who perished during the typhoon and on people's homes which have disintegrated
1 comment:
Brandon, your post has great voice, and you did some work with our learning goals for this study. First was how the environment itself contributes to disasters, then secondly, how people living in the environment can minimize or even increase the level of catastrophe. These big picture topics are not easy to see all the time. We will circle back on them many times this quarter. Keep up the good work.
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