Did you ever think learning a language is hard. Well we all know we have to take a language in Middle School, but for what??? Is there a point in taking a language??? I mean, sure you can communicate with other people who don't know how to speak English, but they speak another language,and you know that language. But here in Indonesia you don't need to speak Spanish, Mandarin or French. The only language you need to learn is INDONESIAN!!! It's a good thing I speak Indonesian fluently, so I don't have to learn it in Middle School, because that just means EXTRA HOMEWORK!!! Now I am currently to learn spanish, which I hate more and more!! :-{
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Physch: Pilot
On Friday we watched an episode of Pysch. Pysch is a show with mystery and comedy at the same time. On Friday we watched the first case. As you know in every mystery there needs to be a problem. The crime or the problem is, there was a family, the Mc Callums, a very rich family. Their son Camden McCallum was kidnapped for ransom money. Also another element in a mystery is that in every crime there must be someone to solve it. In Pysch it was Shawn and Gus. Shawn was actually the detective and his partner and best friend was Gus. Another element is that every crime needs a villian. The strange thing is that the villian was Camden and his kidnapper was Camden's friend Ourso. Camden actually planned the whole thing out. His motive was to get some of his father's money. He needed the money badly, because he couldn't get any jobs. In some mysteries there is a surprise ending and luckily there was a surprise ending in Pysch. The surprise ending was that Camden's father accidentally killed his son. And when Camden's friend Ourso wanted to drop off the ransom money he had seen that Camden's father had killed Camden. In the end Camden's dad killed Ourso and made it look like sucide. Camden's dog saw all of this happening, so that truly makes him a witness. The dog then realized that Camden's father was not a nice person, so the dog bit him. Camden's father tried to cover the wound with a bandage, but Shawn had already realized this. The wound acts as evidence.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
By: Anthony Horowitz
The book "stormbreaker" is about a 14 year old boy named Alex Rider. The book starts out when his uncle, Ian Rider get's murdered in a car accident. Ian Rider is Alex's only family relative left . His parents had died in a plane crash. Alex thinks that Ian Rider works for a bank called Royal & General. On the day of the funeral some people from Royal & General come to Alex and tell him that his uncle wasn't a banker for Royal & General and the bank doesn't even exist. Ian Rider was actually a spy who was working for an agency called M16. The Royal & General Bank is a cover up name for M16.
M16 wanted to recruit Alex, but he refuses. In the end Alex accepts because he doesn't have a choice. They had to bribe Alex. His first mission is when they send him to infiltrate Sayle Enterprises. This actually a company that manufactures these computers called "Stormbreakers." The head of the project is a rich man named Herod Sayle. Herod Sayle wants to donate the Stormbreaker Computers for all the schools in London. Everybody thinks he's a her, but M16 are a little suspicious. That's why they want Alex to get to know Herod Sayle and see what he's up to.
In the end he finds out that Herod Sayle wants to spread out a computer virus so all the computers in London will have the computer virus. Alex tries to stop but an unknown man named Yassen Gregorovich murders Herod Sayle and rescues Alex. Alex finds out that this man murdered his uncle Ian Rider...
The 6 Elements of a Mystery
As you can see here the crime is that the man, who is
the villain is threatening the cat who is the victim.
Investigator, Private Eye, Sleuths: The people that are paid
to solve the crime, a classic example of this is Sherlock Holmes.
to solve the crime, a classic example of this is Sherlock Holmes.
Villain, Bad Guy, Criminals: These people are the ones who commit the crime. In this picture the person at the right with the gun is the villain .
Victim: A victim is the villain's target, or one of his/her targets. In this picture it clearly shows that the victim is the one on the left.

Evidence: Items that are found by the investigator
to get closer to the mystery. In this picture it shows
that they found the bullets from the gun and they store it
in the evidence bag.

Clues: An idea that will lead the
investigator closer to the mystery. Finger prints
Foot prints, Hand Prints and Shoe prints
are one classic example of clues.
Victim: A victim is the villain's target, or one of his/her targets. In this picture it clearly shows that the victim is the one on the left.
Evidence: Items that are found by the investigator
to get closer to the mystery. In this picture it shows
that they found the bullets from the gun and they store it
in the evidence bag.
Clues: An idea that will lead the
investigator closer to the mystery. Finger prints
Foot prints, Hand Prints and Shoe prints
are one classic example of clues.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mr. Monk and the Curse of the Voodoo

Today we watched an episode of monk called "Mr. Monk and the Curse of the Voodoo." This episode is about when they find a baseball hit an old lady in the head. Later on her family comes to collect all the items from the house and they find a package. It is called a voodoo doll. A voodoo doll is a bad luck charm, there will always be a name on the doll, so if the person who is the person on the doll, looks at the doll they will die. This is what superstitious people believe in.
Then a few days later. Another person died again, but this time there had been a lightning strike. When Mr. Monk arrives on the scene he finds a package and in it there is another voodoo doll showing that the person is struck by lightning.
The next victim was a rich golfer. When Mr. Monk arrives on the scene he finds a voodoo doll with a replica of the victim having a heart attack. As Mr.Monk is investigating the house he finds a lot of good luck charms spread out around the house. When he finds an upside down horse shoe, this means it is bad luck. Mr. Monk then sees a lady who appears to be the victim's niece Angeline.
Suddenly a fourth victim occurred this was Mr. Monk's assistant, but she wasn't killed when she looked at the doll, It showed that her head was cut off. Since she was superstitious she believed in voodoo doll's, so she never slept, until this case was solved. She calls a potions master who is superstitious too, his name was Reverend Mc Jorgenson. SO when he finished creating the potion, Mr. Monk's assistant thought that she was supposed to drink it, instead of applying it to her neck. The potion had some chemicals that she wasn't supposed to drink. Then when they called the ambulance, the paramedic said there was no room for Mr. Monk. The paramedic was the same person he met before Angeline. So he followed the ambulance with Mc Jorgenson's car. Then a lot of things started to make sense in Mr. Monk's mind.
It turns out that maker of the voodoo dolls was Angeline, but she wasn't the one who murdered the lady and the person who was struck by lightning. She actually murdered her rich uncle with a drug that supposed to look like he was killed by heart attack. No one noticed this because she was on every scene when the victims were murdered, because she was a paramedic.
Crime- Angeline murdering her Uncle, the rich golfer
Detectives, Sleuths- Mr. Monk
Villains- Angeline
Victims- The main victim was Angeline's Uncle
Suspects- Reverend Mc Jorgenson
Suspense, Danger- The car chase
Red Herring- Mr. Monk thought the other victims were actually murdered by somebody.
Witnesses- None
Evidence- The voodoo dolls, and the upside down horseshoe
Clues- When Mr. Monk was thinking back to a news paper that showed the paramedic on every scene someone died
Surprise Ending- None really