Saturday, June 5, 2010
School's Out!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Video Advertising
- Person: Emma Fukar
- Purpose: Increases hair strength and makes your hair smooth & silky
- Target Audience: Teenage Girls and above
- Why Effective?: Because it shows the lady doing karate with a man, then the man grabs her hair and slips through, this indicates that DJ Wills Shampoo makes your hair smooth. Then laser beams pop up from everywhere and traps the woman. She then smashes her hair against the beams and they all then she grabs her hair and gives it a pull and she opens her hand to show that no hair fell from her head. These two actions represent that it increases hair strength.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Target Audience: Children from 9yrs.-11yrs.old
1. Symbolism: The ad is trying to say that some children may want toys and e.t.c, but others just want a roof above their head. I think that Covenant House is like an orphanage that house children from the street, making them happy.
2. Body Language: I think the message in the ad should be big and it should have a contrast to catch your eye before you look at the picture
3. Camera Angle: The picture is taken from the side and shows the full picture
4. Special Effects: The house in the back looks old and abandoned, which means that this place is a run down area. Any type of metal you see is rusted. It looks kind of dark so I think the picture is in an alley way. Since the alley way is dark, rusted metal,unclean.I think he's not the only child who needs a shelter.
5. Lighting and Color: The part where the message is dark in the background, while the message is in light colors. Above the message part there is not much of contrast. Except the box is bright while surrounding the box there is a dark background. So the 2 things that will catch the person's eye, will be the message and the main picture.
6. Beauty and Standing: I think this part in the deconstruction of an ad would be the hardest part. I couldn't really find some thing in the ad for this part.
7. Target and Graphics: The ad is trying to say that some children may want toys and e.t.c, but others just want a roof above their head. I also think that the ad is trying to make kids to stop being greedy about things they want, instead they should feel affectionate for the kids on the road who don't have as much as other rich kids.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My advertisment
Tired after playing a sport?
What's you favorite type of book?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Summary of "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Learning a Language, is there a point???
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Physch: Pilot
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The 6 Elements of a Mystery
to solve the crime, a classic example of this is Sherlock Holmes.
Victim: A victim is the villain's target, or one of his/her targets. In this picture it clearly shows that the victim is the one on the left.
Evidence: Items that are found by the investigator
to get closer to the mystery. In this picture it shows
that they found the bullets from the gun and they store it
in the evidence bag.
Clues: An idea that will lead the
investigator closer to the mystery. Finger prints
Foot prints, Hand Prints and Shoe prints
are one classic example of clues.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mr. Monk and the Curse of the Voodoo

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Skeleton Key is the third book in the Alex Rider Adventure Series, by Anthony Horowitz. The Alex Rider Series is about a boy who’s name is Alex Rider. He lives with his uncle Ian Rider. The thing Alex dosen’t know about his uncle is that he’s a spy. After one of his missions Ian get’s murdered by one of his enemies, Yassen. The company that Ian Rider worked for was called M16. Sincle Alex’s uncle is a spy, he told Alex that he was working for a bank. A day after his funeral M16 invites Alex to take the place of his uncle. At first he refuses,then he makes up his mind to join the agency.
His third mission was located on an island named Skeleton Key. A small part of the island is owned by a rich, Russian man. He used to be a general for the Russian Army. His name is General Sarov and his only wish is, that Russia will control over all the other countries in the world. To do this, he ordered a nuclear bomb. Alex Rider is going to investigate and will attempt to stop the nuclear bomb. In the end he was succsesful. If he hadn’t stopped the bomb, it would shatter the world into pieces.
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Too much of tests!!!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
10 Vocab Words
2. Cynical- Whining, complaining all the time, has a negative attitude
3.Provisions- Supplies or materials you need for an occasion, mostly about food
4.Subvert- Trying to ruin an expedition without anyone noticing.
5. Accumalate- To collect more and more items
6. Congregate- When people or animals gather at the same place
7. Ominous- A signal when something happens
8. Contradict- To talk back against someone
9. Adversary- To disagrree against someone, to go against
10. Flabbergast - Celebration, Jubilation
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
The Weekend
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Waking Up
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
1. Christopher Colombus discovers the island of Hispaniola, which is now known as Haiti in1492.
2. The French takes over in the 1600's and increased production in crops, sugarcane and e.t.c.
3. In 1804, Haiti claims independence over the french rule.
4. Haiti means "the land of the mountains.
5. In 1957 Dictator Francois Duvalier ruled over Haiti. The deep poverty was hidden behind the strong government. Whoever argued or disagreed with Duvalier ended up dead!!! Haitians left the country for safety.
6. The population in Haiti is 95% black and 5% white. Extended family members live in a small house with other members of the family. So it's very cramped.
7. Mostly Haitians speak French, because the French rule Haiti.
8. Carnival and New Year's are the most important holidays for most haitians.
9. Haiti produces coffee,sugarcane,rice,corn and e.t.c.
10. President elections happen every 5 years. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the world and the poorest country in the western hemisphere.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
AHHHHHH Black Out!!!
Monday, January 18, 2010
Haiti Update

The second part of the bad news is that the death toll is rising by the minute. The giverment has to make a new solution with the airport.
As I am writing this post there are a lot of things going on in Haiti, RIGHT NOW!!!!! Such as the Dominican Republic are helping Haiti with the quake, or people are stealing goods from shops while other people are trying to take it away from them by murdering them!!!!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Earthquake Shakes Haiti!!!!!!!!
On Tuesday a massive earthquake shook Haiti, one of the poorest countries in the world and the poorest nation in the Western Hemisphere. Everyone was in shock. The quake measured a whopping 7.o magnitude on the richter scale. The epicenter of the earthquake was very near the capital of Haiti, Port-Au-Prince. The quake was only just 6 miles below the surface.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Our Exciting Trip to India
In Mumbai we had to attend my dad's cousin's wedding. I had to wear a suit for the first time in my life. My dad said that I looked like a buisness man!!!! Anyway, we celebrated Christmas with a special mass at my dad's school and his classmate was the priest!!! It was a very special christmas for my dad and me, because I got an I pod Touch for Christmas!!!!!!!! Yipeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!
We celebrated New Years by going for a midnight mass. The New Year was a special day for my mom and dad because it was their wedding anniversary and it was my mom's birthday too!!!!
We had to go to 3 family reunions during my trip to India. 2 from my dad's side and one from my mom's side. Next I got to visit my grandparents from my mom's side personally because I had to do a school project where I had to interview my grandma.
Finally we had to go back home to Jakarta, it was a long flight,but it felt nice being back in Jakarta again, away from the hustle and bustle in Mumbai.
Monday, January 11, 2010
What I did over the break
- Avatar
- 3 idiots
3 idiots is a Hindhi film, which is actually based on a true story, when the father forces his son what to take up for college. Here the father forces his son to take up engineerig, but he's actually the class clown. While his two other friends were about to get expelled from the engineering college because of him. In the end he runs his own school, which is located far away from the cars,the noise and the pollution.
The main actor is Amir Kahn. And I think this is a "must watch movie" so as Avatar.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The Falcon's Malteser
By: Anthony Horowitz
A lot of people have read the Falcon’s Malteser by Anthony Horowitz . This book is the first in the series which is called the Diakmond Brothers Mysteries. The main character is a boy named Nick Diamond he’s thirteen years old and he lives with his brother Tim Diamond who‘s running a private detective buisness.
This book is all about their first clien who is a dwarf named Johnny Naples. Johhny Naples gave them a package to guard, and will return to pay them. Unfortunately he was murdered by the Fat Man’s assistant. The Fat Man is London’s most dangerous crook. The Diamond brothers later discover that the package Johnny Naples had sent is a box of candy, but this box of candy is no ordinary box of candy, the Diamond brothers later discover that the barcode on the box of candy is a key to the safe where the most dangeours and richest man in Europe stores his diamonds which were hidden in his grave. His name is Henry von Falkenberg, but he is called The Falcon. His memorial had a special device to scan only one barcode which was the barcode on the box of candy. This device opens a vault stored in his grave where all his diamonds are located. When Nick scanned the barcode under the device in his grave, the container was empty and there were no diamonds.
Later Nick got a letter from a person he met in a bar when the Diamond brothers with were looking for clues. Her name was Lauren Bacardi. There was a small package under the letter, it was a diamond which was the size of a peanut. Then Nick suddenly realized that when Nick told her about the barcode she made a photocopy of the barcode on the box of candy when Nick wasn’t looking. Later she then scanned it under the device in the falcon’s grave so she was the one who took all the diamonds worth of five million dollars