
Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Our 1000 Flood Relief Buckets!!!

Yesterday at our 6th grade meeting we had a talk about the recent flooods occuring around Jakarta. Our presenter was one of the guides from Wat San at the Bintaro Lama Kampung . She talked about the flooding, and how we could help. The guide told us that we can make flood relief kits for the victims fromfloods or other naturual disassters. The materials used to make these flood relief kits are: 3 adult and 2 kids toothbrushes,toothpaste,soap,shampoo,2 towwels,mosquito repellent,floor cleaner, mediciene containg a rich amount of vitamin C, a bucket, a brush and a sponge all of these materials are stored in one air and water tight bucket.The guide said we had to make 1000 flood relief kits so the victims who will be in the flood will be prepared.

I hope our efforts will save lives!!!

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